Laane's blog
Sunday, February 06, 2005
These last days have been far too hectic.
Because I said during the visit with the psychiatrist for N that his problem was partly an interactive problem. she speeded up the assessments for T and L.
So that meant over 60 pages of paperwork to fill in. Make them fill in their own pages, and have school answer their questions and give me their files.
For T it wasn't a problem and it came through rather swiftly, but L's mentor seemed to have a problem with handing over a copy of the file.
Why do people create problems instead of solve them??

And there were so many other things to do. Birthdays to attent, birthdays to organise.
Because we have 5 birthdays in a month here at home, people feel they can drop in at the strangest times.
Usually I don't mind, but with all these "issues" going on, and D to help, because she can't use her arm, and the carnaval etc etc. I feel I have hardly enough time.

So yesterday I felt tired and ill, and today I got a migraine.
It was far worse than before. Maybe because of the new medication. Don't know.

I still have many things to do, and I hope I can do them tomorrow.


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