Laane's blog
Hans, you taught me a song
It doesn't often happen that
I'm lost for words,
cry in public
get angry at someone
tell someone the plain truth about his functioning right in his face
even worse: tell someone straight in his face that he's incompetent
just start to cry when I see a friendly familiar face
beg someone for a few days extra time, offering to go on my knees
do that 6 times
see the future is a horrorfilm
refuse to leave a meeting before I've said my things
filed a complaint about a schooldirector at the highest authority
feel completely drained and helpless
The story was a completely false accusation.
I once had a friend,
he taught me to play the 12 string guitar
we used to cook carrots
and sing together
and he promised to come when I would sing:
"You just call out my name,
and you know wherever I am......"
After all those years,
it's time you hear this song........
I thought this would be a relaxing day, with some visitors at 4.
Turned out to be another of those hectic days. I can't believe there are women working on a schedule.
After getting 5 kids out to school, pampering the one that is ill, I started tidying the living room, vacuuming, etc.
I started... and restarted and restarted....
Seemed I missed the sigh "Phone-day".
Got a phone of the father of the kids.
School had phoned. He made an appointment for wednesday.
We were invited for tomorrow, but he had an appointment.
Ofcourse I wanted to know what this was all about.
"Don't know, he didn't want to say that over the phone".
So I mailed that as he (headmaster) isn't a doctor and as i don't assume we're talking about a terminal disease, I wanted to know what it was all about.
Got no answer, so I was ready to go, checked the mail for the last time and there was the reply:
"It's about a story about the girls......"
I love stories, but something said I won't like this one.
So I'm in the dark, and as I'm a curious person, I'm going over all the possibilities...
I know, I know, I just have to wait!
Djenne came home from school all in tears.
We sat down.
This week her own teacher is ill at home and some fill in teacher is creating a lot of turmoil in the class by not allowing all sorts of things that are allowed, creating strange situations that upset the children etc.
(There should be a rating for fill-ins....)
Her group goes through many changes. Their own teacher is ill, and one fill-in follows after another.
Well, there's enough to talk about with the headteacher.
Andrena wrote about her most embarrassing moment and asked others to write about that too.
Well... here it is:
I was about 14.
It was a time that the boysschool and girlsschool were strictly forbidden for the other gender.
The nuns stood at the door watching that we didn't take the next street, but the street right in front of the school,
and the jezuits stood in front of their gate, watching the boys take the other street.
It was also the time that people thought such segregation was unhealthy for the development of the youngster, so they decided to make one school of it.
I was one of the first two, maybe even the first girl to enter the incredible beautiful building.
The school was huge and there was plenty of space for groups that spend their time on debating, theatre, photograph, chess, music, etc.
For the first time a theatre production was made with real girls, instead of dressed up boys.
Ofcourse the most pretty girls were choosen. And among those the ones with the darkest eyes got a part to play.
I was neither pretty, nor had I the right eyes.
Grey-blue...that was out of the question!
The jezuit that produced the play was carefull not to step on my young women's soul.
So he told me that there were no parts available anymore.
I knew that he still was searching for a couple of tall, slim boys.
I was tall and verrry slim!!
So I offered to play a boy's part....
with 1200 boys in the school............. OL!!!
It costs such a lot to get money transferred to pay a membership at a graphicssite or to buy something online in dollars, that I thought that meaybe making a little cash online would help.
As I enjoy surfing around I thought: "BLOGCLICKER"!
Seeing that a new contest just started, I went for it... clicked while working on the site and when I had something else to do, one of the kids took over.
For a short moment I was number 1 in the competition...
I was number 1 at the end of my day.
But I'll keep it at that.
I can't see that after almost a complete 22 hours time of clicking I'm hundreds and hundreds behind others again....
Maybe that's because when I click, the extra credits are not given. They're only given during american daytime.
Well, that's my night....
So I've declared myself daywinner in my own time, and that's it.
With all the birthdays coming here, I'd better spend my time welcoming the guests. LOL!
In case you want to leave your birthday...Look at the right... down... down... down... Don't forget to leave a message for me in the doodleboard so I can find the url going with the name.
something wrong
Something is wrong with the layout.
The cellpadding doesn't show up, so the text is glued to the side.
I've tried to fix it, but it won't let me. LOL!
I'll have a look at it tomorrow.
babysitting and more
In a way I was glad yesterday that I had to overcome the problems with my blog.
I didn't feel OK at all, and that way I was distracted.
I also had the feeling I had all the time of the world, because Jim didn't come home. He was on a two days training.
Even the children were more relaxed, so we had a good time together making dinner. The kitchen was so crowded that I suddenly saw how a change in the arrangement of the furniture would create more space.
Had a talk with Djenne about the fact that she'd gone to the headmaster/principal to complain about a couple of kids that bullied her.
We had talked that over a couple of days ago, and this little lady felt so supported that she went straight to the top. LOL!
After the headmaster was informed by her, he asked the other kids to tell their story and then he called Djenne in to explain more. Turned out the others had a different story.
Be we already anticipited that, so she asked him what made more sense: her telling the truth or her lying, or the others lying to hide their mistakes.
She told me with a glistening in her eyes that he had smiled and told they wouldn't escape punishment.
We both know this will only help for a short time. The school needs to be firm and clear about not accepting bullying, but they rather fool themselves by telling their own ego that bullying doesn't happen at that school.
Today Yinti had a reading test... she did well, because it was about text-understanding.
She reads like a kid of 6 (she's 9), but all her focus is on understanding.
"So you did well"
**Big smile** "Yep. They didn't ask me to read aloud, so I got all the compliments of the world. I did best."
"I still don't understand how a girl like you, with this result, reads aloud so bad..."
**Big smile again.** "I do!!"
"Oh yes?"
"Something is terribly slow and maybe even broken between what I read and
saying what I read."
Can anyone be more precise??? LOL!!
Had to babysit this afternoon.
When I looked out of the window, before I went upstairs to put on babyproof clothes, it was raining full bucketloads.
Upstairs I looked outside again and it was snowing!!
Not just a bit, but those large flakes like when I was young, and MUCH!!!!!
It was so beautiful!!!
In the garden we have a playhouse anmd above it we've made a kind of pergola with a plastic sheet.
The snow was on top of it, almost completely iced.
On my way to babysitting I thought it best to get the icing off.
We always do it when it rains, so this time I held the border upwards and pushed.........
Instead of going to the lowest point, it went straight in the back of my t-shirt!!!
No time to get something else, so I sat there in wet clothes, and they always have the heating rather low.......
Well, at last I forgot and had a nice time.
I hope you'll have a nice day...
Are you redefining yourself?
It's interesting that so many people feel the need to redefine themselves.
Like they can throw away their old self, like dirty laundry and built themselves from toe to toe, all up to the upper hairs.
I can't remember ever having redefined myself.
Not when I was confronted with cancer...
........get a braintumor and you'll think about life and what you mean in this world, I can tell you.
Not when I lost my baby...
........which made the future turn black and make me just a woman on paper.
Not when I lost another baby...
........instead of turning into a psychiatric casestudy I discovered grieving is a learning proces and a skill.
Not when that husband of mine turned out to be someone I would never have married to.....
Maybe there's no time to redefine myself.
Life goes on and I don't want to run behind it trying to catch up.
All sorts of things happened and happen in my life... kids, bad health, name it...
But nothing has touched that deep inner core I experienced when I was young: me.
No need to redefine myself.... I just have to be silent, or singing, or dancing and I nearly can hold it in my hands and see it glistening in the sun.
I'm transferring my blog to here.
And when I've done it I'll update about yesterday.
My blogpage was eaten when I updated this morning,
and I don't want that to happen again.
Luckily I saved the rest..phew!!!