Laane's blog
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

babysitting and more

In a way I was glad yesterday that I had to overcome the problems with my blog.
I didn't feel OK at all, and that way I was distracted.
I also had the feeling I had all the time of the world, because Jim didn't come home. He was on a two days training.
Even the children were more relaxed, so we had a good time together making dinner. The kitchen was so crowded that I suddenly saw how a change in the arrangement of the furniture would create more space.

Had a talk with Djenne about the fact that she'd gone to the headmaster/principal to complain about a couple of kids that bullied her.
We had talked that over a couple of days ago, and this little lady felt so supported that she went straight to the top. LOL!
After the headmaster was informed by her, he asked the other kids to tell their story and then he called Djenne in to explain more. Turned out the others had a different story.
Be we already anticipited that, so she asked him what made more sense: her telling the truth or her lying, or the others lying to hide their mistakes.
She told me with a glistening in her eyes that he had smiled and told they wouldn't escape punishment.

We both know this will only help for a short time. The school needs to be firm and clear about not accepting bullying, but they rather fool themselves by telling their own ego that bullying doesn't happen at that school.

Today Yinti had a reading test... she did well, because it was about text-understanding.
She reads like a kid of 6 (she's 9), but all her focus is on understanding.
"So you did well"
**Big smile** "Yep. They didn't ask me to read aloud, so I got all the compliments of the world. I did best."
"I still don't understand how a girl like you, with this result, reads aloud so bad..."
**Big smile again.** "I do!!"
"Oh yes?"
"Something is terribly slow and maybe even broken between what I read and
saying what I read."

Can anyone be more precise??? LOL!!

Had to babysit this afternoon.
When I looked out of the window, before I went upstairs to put on babyproof clothes, it was raining full bucketloads.
Upstairs I looked outside again and it was snowing!!
Not just a bit, but those large flakes like when I was young, and MUCH!!!!!
It was so beautiful!!!

In the garden we have a playhouse anmd above it we've made a kind of pergola with a plastic sheet.
The snow was on top of it, almost completely iced.
On my way to babysitting I thought it best to get the icing off.
We always do it when it rains, so this time I held the border upwards and pushed.........
Instead of going to the lowest point, it went straight in the back of my t-shirt!!!


No time to get something else, so I sat there in wet clothes, and they always have the heating rather low.......

Well, at last I forgot and had a nice time.

I hope you'll have a nice day...

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    The Netherlands
    6 children
    one with autism
    another one with ADHD and dyslexia
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    when you can't write my Dutch.

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