Laane's blog
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

reading and school...

This morning I woke up feeling better.
I should be, as I had to go to the girls school to talk about the reading of one of the girls with the remedial teacher.

A very nice woman.

My girl is behind in reading. She tried to ease my mind, but she couldn't.

The rest of her schoolwork is interfered with by the bad reading. She's intelligent and she could be helped by spoken language, but right now that seems to be out of the question.

Well, I'll see into that soon.

All in all the woman said that not much else could be done than training.
Well the girls does enough, so there should be done more.
Maybe even special education.

So I said I wanted her tested.
Ooo, that's such a dirty word at that school.

Only after I told her that I contacted the ministery and that I was told there are funds available, they should only be applied for, the woman became a bit more active.

So there will be a meeting about Djenne at school with a coordinator....jadajadajada....

So nothing will happen.

Well, then they should bite my head of: I'm going to inform the inpector.

Wish I could afford to go 3 months and a day to a foreign country with the girls. That would give me one year of homeschooling.
That teacher said one year wouldn't be enough to teach her to minimise the delay.... well hell...then why didn't they tell me she was delayed after a short while? I was the one who started questioning... ***sigh***

After that my other little lady saw me leave school. They were all at the playground and she and Djenne came to give me a kiss. I'm so proud of these girls...mine!!
I want them to feel proud of themselves and school shouldn't take that from them.

I was so glad to be at home again....'s so cold outside. They even forecasted snow!!!
Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Day

"Happy Valentine's Day" for those who live in the happy circumstance of being with someone who loves you. Be it either in the pink dream of a new relationship, in the routine of everyday life, or with the wisdom of love that have grown in depth.

And: "A lot of strength" for those who long for an arm around them, someone who looks at them with loving eyes, and someone to share a smile with.

I've had those months of thinking that there would be livelong valentine days, but I soon learned that any flower on my table would have been strategically called for. Starting weeks before a birthday or valentine's day, repeating, and with the date just one day ahead, pointing out the shop.
How convenient I got allergic to pollen! LOL!

In my country, Valentine's Day is for new love, and sometimes for secret love.
So the last really celebrated one is far in the past.

But each year my mind wanders to those people who have been loving in the past, wondering who I would want near.

Sure, it's the person who gave me last week a friendship bear on a red heart-cushion. 5 cm high.
It's a great person to talk with, to laugh with, drink cinnamon tea and listen to music.
He's fun, and completely himself. Making me feel shy at times.
We're friends and I can't imagine us to be steady lovers.
He's got a wonderful relationship with a woman he'd never ever leaves.
Well, I don't want to break up relationships anyway.

But these days I got a pair of eyes in my head.
They looked kind of helpless when he stepped in the car, leaving for america.
We studied together. Shared books, and had the same way of underlining important matters.
We loved to cook on the landing of his little attick, and we've spent many hours listening to music.
He could play the 12-string guitar, and I could listen forever. Sitting against the bed, dreaming...

How little did I know of love, real love.
I expected fireworks, butterflies all over and violins in the background.
In my struggle to get to know myself, I was myself when I was with him.

In in his struggle to find himself, he found an american woman, and left.

Once he came back. After 9 years, and it's already many years ago.
We went to get the boys from school, and people who didn't know me, thought we were a pair.
I was happy...

Oh, how little did I know from life...
He divorced in America. Lived in Portland.

If he would come today, I would go with him......

So no half naked cupid trying to escape from the police, and sending arrows into hearts.

Just simple melancholy ... two eyes ... a friendship long gone by ...

Bye Hans, I miss you

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    The Netherlands
    6 children
    one with autism
    another one with ADHD and dyslexia
    political criticist
    and I can sing for you too.

    Don't comment on my english
    when you can't write my Dutch.

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