Laane's blog
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hi!! I'm back!!!

Hi, I'm back online again.

The old computer broke down for the last time.

There was no other way than to spend my carefully saved money, that was meant for the little gardenhouse, on a new computer.

I saved for years, so it feels sad to give up a dream of a place for myself, but on the other hand: I'm glad to be able to get in contact with friends again.

At the same day the new computer arrived in boxes, the mailman brought a package from Verena. 2 months after she mailed it. And there weren't even stamps and stickers from the customs on it.

I was very happy with the presents in it, and wrote her a card. My handwriting was even worse than ever, so I was glad to have the computer again.

In case you remember that Childcare was visiting us after a complaint from the teacher of on of the girls. Here's a short update:

The first time the woman of childcare came was very unpleasant. It turned out that the complaint was even worse than the schoolprincipal had told us.
In fact it was formulated in such a way that I immediately knew that what she said could not have happened.
So we tried to make her phone our doctor.... ah! Stubbornness of those people!!

I wrote a very long mail with all our questions about the visit and the time to come. Stressing the fact that school had been lying to us, and that the relationship with the teacher was very bad.

Also saying that I wanted this matter closed as soon as possible to allow the family to take care of matters that are more important, like the bad reading of the girls.

She started investigating us. Instead of phoning the doc she asked around. But ofcourse nothing wrong could be told.

It took some weeks and then my daughter at a sunday evening suddenly told me that she had lied to her teacher, because she didn't want to talk about her true feelings.

Thought so!

So I wrote a letter to that woman of childcare.

The second visit was far more pleasant. But maybe it seemed to be because we were so stressed about it all.

I kept asking her to have a look upstairs to see that nothing could have happened, because there was an all free look into the girls room. She kept refusing. Which was perfectly OK with me. Don't need strangers in my house. LOL!

Then she suddenly said that she had orders from her superior to speed up the case ans settle matters. If she was allowed to talk to the girl involved.

That was OK with us, but we had made clear in the letter that we didn't want the teacher to prepare my daughter for the talk, as was suggested by Childcare.

I had told her to tell the truth and that should be enough.

The woman agreed and she went to school to go directly to her.

Later it turned out she had a good talk. And after that with the teacher and the principal, making them clear that when a teacher isn't open for the child and is full of preconceptions about a family, these things might happen.
She also made clear that they should pay more positive attention to her.

A few hours later we were called that the files were closed. It was clear nothing what the teacher had told had happened, and that the children don't suffer maltreatment or abuse at home.

She offered to help to settle matters with the school.

During her investigation 3 versions of the same story were told by the schoolprincipal: she got two different ones. LOL!

I didn't feel relieved, just tired and a bit angry about the lying and mad to the ends of my toes, because that teacher had taken no phone or pen to contact us during the whole matter.

So I finished the letter to the schoolboard, in which I complained about the attitude of the principal and the care-coordinator of school, and contacted the schoolinspection.

Haven't heard from them yet.....

After a week the schoolprincipal contacted us. He wanted to talk.

We wrote him that we only wanted to talk with a third party present.

Remember I was trying to get someone look into the bad reading of the girls?

The remedial teacher was of no use, as she said she wasn't allowed to test the girls in another way than with the normal classtests.


Well, after the matter with childcare I got a letter in which I was invited to talk with the superior of the remedial teacher.

A lovely woman, who was well prepared.
Turned out that one of my girls is more than 2 years behind in reading, because she had difficulties soon after starting reading. Exactly as I had said all the time.

We agreed that she would look into the matter more, trying to find out the precise cause of the problem with the tests I had asked for all those years.

When childcare roars........LOL!!

I told her I was in doubt about the way the other twin was reading... She took up her file and she said that it seemed I was right. She would look into that too.

Well, that seems to be positive.

And then the flue epidemic hit our house.

None escaped.

Stef and I are still ill.

And the rest of the update?
You'll get that at another time.
When I have seen a bit of my mail. Hundreds and hundreds of mails are waiting. Don't know where to begin.

I have to install some of the programs on the computer, and I have to refind the nice things I had.

The old computer just played with the back-ups. I can't open them, so all is lost.

Well, spring has started, so why bother too much?

The birds are having fun each morning, the crocusses are great in the garden, and the little fresh green buds contain a lot of promise.

Have a great day and don't forget to let me know you've been here!


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    The Netherlands
    6 children
    one with autism
    another one with ADHD and dyslexia
    political criticist
    and I can sing for you too.

    Don't comment on my english
    when you can't write my Dutch.

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