Laane's blog
Friday, September 02, 2005

help for Katrina disaster

I saw on TV that a reporter said that america is always asked for help and that now america needs help, none offers help.

Well, let's be very clear: this lady is completely wrong.
Read here.

Our country was among the first to ask how much help was needed.
The helporganisations told that there was enough money.

So our government has send a marine ship that was stationed at Curacao in the hope this help will be accepted.
We also can send F16's, divers, identification teams, dyke-builders and others.

I feel very much for those in the disaster areas, those who died and are dying and their family outside the area.
And I don't understand why the Red Cross has send one person there..... only one! Whereas thousands all over the world are eager to help. But they're not allowed to come...

Why doesn't the american government send helicopters in in large quantities to drop medication, babyfood and normal food.
Don't tell me that they are hindered by those who are shooting at them...
They weren't hindered to pick up military in vietnam.....

Don't tell me that there are no baots to pick up people who are left in and on their houses to die. Plenty of rich americans have jaghts and even more have boats that are quite suitable to help.

I can't understand this.

When the floods hit our country bad in for instance 1953 help was there in no time, because everyone in the country did what needed to be done.

I remember some clearvoyant saying at the beginning of the year that there would be a situation in which the whole world could see that someone who wanted to be a worldleader was not even able to mobilise help for a little part of his own country.

Only a few weeks ago immense areas in the middle of europe were flooded.
Problem solved.... I'm not even sure if the american news brought it on TV.

Don't tell me that a country with so many more recourses and a well trained army isn't capable to help.

Well, no need to tell me that the disaster is taken with the same strange helplessness as always.
Blaming others not to help, but letting babies die....
Telling other countries no help is needed and not dropping medication for those in need.....

I just can't understand...... just can't!!!

So The Netherlands has send a marine ship.... accept that help.
We're doers,....
And we've offered our expertise in many areas..........

If your president can get in...
he should have taken thousands of helicopters and boats with aid...

This is negligence....

So better stop telling other countries in the world how to run their country....
run your own.....


(So, have you guessed that I'm angry because there are still people lashing out at the world??)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

live and death

Here you'll find some interesting articles about the Katrina disaster.

At the same time that I'm happy about the news that my friend is still critical, but a bit better, (thanks!!), I feel so much worry about the people that are victim of the Katrina disaster (as i call it.)

I saw a husband and wife on the news.
She needed a generator for his breathing machine.
I think he's dead now.

And in a way it hurts me.....

A country, all ready to fight all over the world, having so much to say about countries where there is chaos, killing over nothing, that same country has all those problems inside its own borders and as far as I can see help is even slower than after the tsunami of the second christmasday in 2004.

This link can be made. Thousands of people lost everything...
They have nothing more than the clothes they wear..

Or this this link not possible?

It's unbelievable that people steal as much,
that tenths of thousands are kept hostage at the millenium dome by their own fellow countrymen.

It's disgusting.....
Wednesday, August 31, 2005



It's blogday, which means that bloggers all over the world publish the links to their most favorite blogs.
It was a hard choice for me, but here you go:

She's the most honest and inspiring weblogger I've ever read.

Her entries always leave a long lasting impression

She's a wonderful woman blogging in her own special way.

Only recently discovered.

Just look for yourself!



Can't believe internet went down!
It's a long story...
they forcing us to use the expensive phonenumber to get their problems sorted out,
I telling them that they have a support mail which should function just as well.

So when I told them to take the time to solve the problems they disengaged us...

I was terribly mad.....

Went to their shop nearby: "No problem in the connection, mam. It's probably a problem of your computer."

This morning I phoned.... got a nice young man on the phone, but I was too mad to care.
After 15 minutes: "Mam, you're right. It's no problem of your computer at all.
They have connected the wrong IP to your account after maintenance........"


Monday, August 29, 2005

Blog day

Haven't heard about my very ill friend yet, so I think her condition isn't changed and still very serious.
The boys have been to school for the first day.
One of them goes to the school for children with special needs for the first time. For the first time in his life it's accepted that he has severe learning problems, and I hope this will change the world for him. Yesterday evening he has mood problems as he was verrrry nervous.
When he came back today he was smiling all over and superhappy.
Wish that stays all year. LOL!
I took the chance to go to hospital to get my bloodwork done. I expected the hall full of people, and instead there were only 10.
So it took about 10 minutes to get in and out.... Wow!!!
My mouth still hurts and I've got a bit of an earache. I don't think this was meant to be.
We've the TV on at CNN all day to follow the news of the hurricane Katrina.
Friends and the parents of another friend have their houses precisely in it's way.
They're all evacuated, but the worry is there, as theý might loose their houses and belongings.
I feel almost guilty having the best of weather here....


A dear friend is very ill.
She's already suffering from a chronical illness,

but now she got a bad virus-infection
and we can only hope and pray she'll recover...

She's in my mind all day,
but I can't do much as she lives in another country.
Luckily she received a package I've send her.
I hope the little things in it give her some comfort.

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    The Netherlands
    6 children
    one with autism
    another one with ADHD and dyslexia
    political criticist
    and I can sing for you too.

    Don't comment on my english
    when you can't write my Dutch.

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