Laane's blog
Thursday, September 01, 2005

live and death

Here you'll find some interesting articles about the Katrina disaster.

At the same time that I'm happy about the news that my friend is still critical, but a bit better, (thanks!!), I feel so much worry about the people that are victim of the Katrina disaster (as i call it.)

I saw a husband and wife on the news.
She needed a generator for his breathing machine.
I think he's dead now.

And in a way it hurts me.....

A country, all ready to fight all over the world, having so much to say about countries where there is chaos, killing over nothing, that same country has all those problems inside its own borders and as far as I can see help is even slower than after the tsunami of the second christmasday in 2004.

This link can be made. Thousands of people lost everything...
They have nothing more than the clothes they wear..

Or this this link not possible?

It's unbelievable that people steal as much,
that tenths of thousands are kept hostage at the millenium dome by their own fellow countrymen.

It's disgusting.....

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