The girls had a good week at school. They both were very happy with the way everything went.
The place of the extracted molar has been bleeding more than 24 hours!!
Guess that wasn't the intention of the dentist.
The swelling was minimal, but I'm painfully bruised under my chin.
The moral in front makes a clicking sound when I bite on it. I hope it gets stable again... imagine them demolishing the thing as bad that it has to go out too!
I thought everything over and I've decided not going back there.
Why go to people who care more for their wallet than for me?
I didn't even get a leaflet after it all telling me what to do and not to do.
I had to find something on internet, to discover that shouldn't have done things I have done..
Luckily my own doc gave me antibiotics when I asked.
I didn't mind the extraction, but I do mind not being able to clean my mouth properly at that place. I hope I can do soon, otherwise I'll be able to kill a whole town within one exhalation. LOL!