Laane's blog
OK, who knows David Gilmore?? His musical HAIR will come to our town and a ticket costs 39
The premiere in my town is on my birthday!!!
Arghhh!!! I want to be there!!
Pity I haven't a rich uncle or so to ask it for a birthdaypresent.
So I have danced half my life, even on the same stage they will perform, and I can't even go to
the musical I like best.
I feel like celebrating my birthday there......
So who knows David Gilmore?? I'm sure he won't mind to have me around.
Today I finished the article for Caroline about autism. I hope this is what she wanted, otherwise I'll write something completely different. There's alsways another point of view available on the matter... with an autistic boy of 12
Yinti and I had a quiet day. Part of it Stef was at home and they did some schoolwork. I feel she learned more from him than at school in a week. LOL!
Tomorrow they'll all go to school.
So I finally have the chance to work in the house without bumping in one of the offspring.
Like this afternoon. I wanted to tidy Nyo's wardrobe, but Stef was sitting in the room..
Yinti was in the tiny room of the girls, ...
Checked the glucose many times this day. It wasn't as high as yesterday evening, but still it was too high.
And it swings... went down from 12.9 to 8.9 within half an hour late afternoon, but after dinner it didn't go down untill many hours later.
I studied some German literature about HBA1c. I have to translate it for my doc to make him understand that the HBA1c is not reliable in my case and that there is enough research done to proof this.
Maybe I'll write something about it for my own glucosite. I know he has a look there now and
After school Djenne and I had a talk. She's still bullied and when I addressed it she started to cry.
I mailed Jim to ask him to take tomorrow afternoon off. I won't go alone to that school anymore, and I don't like it when I taperecord the talk I have with the teacher.
Jim had no time, which is a pity as the teacher that's on duty tomorrow is a more experienced one that cares more about the children than the unexperienced male teacher that cares more
about his ego.
I won't go alone. I'm so fed up with the school that I might take the girls from school to
homeschool, causing huge legal problems, as homeschooling isn't allowed in this country.
But I won't wait untill the 26th to take action.
Lars had a bad day again. The more I observe him the more I doubt that he's manipulating.
He gets caught up in a mood and by behaving in a certain way he fits himself to that mood. And then he can't change into normal behaviour.
I'm glad I left the diagnostics to collegues. I guess he will be subjected to a whole array of tests and maybe even observations before they know what's the matter.
He can be very normal and pleasant at times and there are times he has control not to slide into his, what we call, "mood".
Well, he wants to go to a special skating event with a group of skaters this weekend. We checked it out and the people who accompany the group are OK.
But if Lars doesn't behave properly in the days before, he won't go. Even if that certainly means a day with a full blown mad puberty male in the house.
So who says the life of a mother of 6 is boring???????
Well Stef was up and gone in time....
Made an appointment with the doctor for Yinti.
He listened, then listened to her lungs. They were clear, he said, and he went along with the fact that she had twice ventolin.
He said she was allowed to have more if needed.
5 minutes to be able to send a nice bill!!!
So he lets me doctor with her.... but when it comes to doctoring my own diabetes he gets all stressed.
In the afternoon Jim called the secretary for some paperwork.
Immediately she connected Jim with the doc (another bill!!!). Turned out he just didn't know how matters work with a psychiatric youth referral.
If I would take the time to get in contact with the ministery to find out if legal matters have changed or will chaged, either per 31 dec last year or 31 this year.
I guess for this one I'll send him a bill.I just start an advisory bureau this moment...LOL!!
I first want to finish the article on autism for Caroline.
Took the time to fill in the huge amount of questions of psychiatry to get Thami's ADHD
assessed. With all the paperwork it took me 7 hours, stiff muscles and a headache.
But I managed to squeeze in a neurological referral for his stuttering. I don't know if they'll do it, but it's on paper. So that's great. Because it will be part of the items they have to talk about.
Tried to get that appointment with Djennes teacher realised.
It was for today, but it turned out he "wasn't available". Now it'll be on the 26th! How amazing.. that's completely different from: "we'll report about her in november".
I guess they're getting wet feet. She can't read properly and I think it's time to get a dyslexia test done. She's 9!!!! One might expect some fluence after all the effort.
When I'm my good old energetic self again, I'll just go to school and have a talk with the special support person.
Right now I feel nauseated part of the day and the gluco is crap.
It was 18.2 mmol/L, that's 367 mg/dl.
The doc won't treat when I won't go to the hospital to get my Hba1c checked.
Well, I can't. As simple as that.
So that got me the idea to see if a home monitoring device for Hba1c is available.
There is!!!
Not even 20 dollars.
I don't know if this can be trusted, but it's interesting.
I guess it's not avaliable in my country. Otherwise I would give my doc one, so he can do the test himself. LOL! (And I'll take it home with me afterwards.
It'll cost double to get the money over there and get the thing here might even add more to the
cost.I'll have a look at it when cariline's article is finished.
Well, the least I could do for myself was asking an angelguard.
I found a very womanly angel. She's at the 2005 sitemap :: here::
I'm off to bed. Sleep well. Oh and eh...please visit
my birthdaypage
Our little twingirl is still ill. She's coughing a lot, but when she's asleep it stops. Yesterday I gave their room a good clean, but it didn't make a difference. The youngest 3 boys and Djenne are to school again. There's too much to do to enjoy it. Stef had to go (yesterday) to get his new timetable and to hear more about the subjects for the next months. He came home with his face beneath the southpole. Today he had the day off, but on wednesday he has to be at the other side of town at 8.15 LOL!!! Well, there should be a time that he gets used to normal daytime life. LOL! Only 2 or 3 moths from now he's going to have his first training in a hospital or home for the elderly. That'll be 10 weeks timetable...haha. Maybe we should welcome him to normal life. The weather is unbelievably warm. This morning the birds were singing like it was spring.'s too early...birds!! Verena and Andrena are officially my sisters-sites now. Well, Verena and I have a bond that's amazingly strong from the first moment we met, and the same with Andrena. We're sista's for some time now. Even without the whole sistersite things we have something special. Soon I'll adjust the sisterpages. But I first have to find some nice graphs for Andrena. (Those for Verena are already waiting.) Please tell me when you see a light and dark sister pair for adoption. There aren't many. I know Helena and Irene have them on their sets, and maybe Aretha too. Have to look that up. Just two weeks and it's my birthday again. The musical HAIR is in town.. oh how I wish to go there. Not because I don't know the music. LOL! Know all the songs by heart, so i wouldn't mind to be on stage. LOL! But I guess it's one of those dreams that'll never come true. The prize of those tickets is too much, and I don't know someone from the set to get me some free ones. Well, that's life. I'll just have to sing to the walls. LOL! Tonight was the parents evening with info of the trip from Thami and the dance-ensemble to Bulgary.It's in july. The radio and TV action of last week added up to 24.077,42 euro's. That's 31.4954 dollars. Not bad for a country with 16 million citizens ej? And to that we have to add a couple of millions more because people still are organising actions. And then there is the governmental aid. I hope all the other people in the world who suffer aren't forgotten. Yesterday I felt silly when I suddenly missed my father and gran very much. There was a movie on TV about the wedding of Soroya and the persian Shah. How much in the world happens because of love............ and how soon love dies when there is no mutual investment. I'm off to bed..... But first I'll have a look if I can see the stars. Oh and eh...please visit my birthdaypage
Well, I finally got the boys into cleaning their room.
I was on stike for quite a while: not giving them their laundry back.
So they even loaned Jim's underpants! LOL!
ofcourse they were twice the size, Lars used babypins, and Thami taped the pants into a littler size. LOL!
I gave them untill this afternoon, and I was really good in playing my role.
Even got the grey bags ready to put their clothes in.
The pile I had to fold was enormous. Not just large, but enorrrrmmmmousss!
Well, it's 7 of them.....
I'm still doing Jim's laundry too.....:-(
It's better than him doing it himself ans messing up with that washingmachine that's causing problems enough.
yesterday evening the girls were invited at their friends for dinner and a pyama party.
Gave Yinti ventolin before she went.
It helped, so i guess I'm having another asthmatic kid in the house.
Cleaned their wardrobes out before I put the clean clothes in.
Tomorrow the girls are going to school. Jim will take Thami and Nyo, Stef needs to get his timetable and Lars stays at home.
A good friend is coming and I hope that we'll be able to go somehwere for a while.
Do some windowshopping.
The last two times she came she was only talking about work and was even on the phone a long time.
I hope this visit results in more than serving coffee on my part.
I want to know how she's doing. Instead of hearing what her work is doing.
This morning we found the last person on our missing-list.
He was seen by a friend who told a friend who told a friend....
The family lives nearby so I went to tell them. It was such an explosion of emotions. They have been in fear from christmas on, and thought he was already dead.
But there are still some people missing... I don't know them.
The Atec/Atjeh area still has to deal with earthquakes.
A few hours ago 6.1 on the richter scale. All the more causing worry and a lot of other feelins, as those people in the north haven't had any aid........
I finally managed to get in contact with some online friends again. It's so long ago ...
And the Asian disaster makes it even appear much longer.
The storm yesterday was very bad. Carlisle (england) was flooded and completely without contact with the rest of the world.
Here the wind was music around the house. And it isn't very cold either.
I have a plan for something extra here at the site.
It'll be ready soon.