Laane's blog
My birthday!!!!
 The positive effect of having 6 children is getting a lot of presents. LOL! So I got a large book with quotes, a miniature shop made in Colombia from clay and carefully handpainted. I got a sweet, that was all sticky and dusty. But who can complain? Got some beautiful drawings, and a kind of little african mask, "jewellery set"...ahem, and a cardigan in the right color!!! The wood of the windowsil split last week. A new wooden shelf was waiting, so I decided to put a bit of paint at the bottonpart of the window. The brush was changing hairs at exactly that moment, and the paint was crap. Then it turned out the shelf was 20 cm short. That's the consequence of living with a DIY wonder with two left hands. LOL! Then I found myself cleaning the room and doing the toilet. I hate doing that on my birthday!!!!! And then suddenly a friend arrived. So I ran upstairs to get a look in the mirror and fix things while the kids opened the door. Got a couple of phonecalls and when it was afternoon, the school called. D had fallen at gymnastics. So our friend brought us to ER, where we watched "As the world turns" in the waiting room. Didn't expect that to see on my birthday. LOL!  Luckily the arm wasn't broken, but because they were not completely sure they fixated it anyway. She was great! Didn't complain at all. We took Y with us and she was talking all the time. No better opportunity than this to see how far she is behind in development. She is so sweet, but I'm worried about her.  When we went home and were waiting for the buss, three nurses were sharing a large bag with sweets. Ofcourse the twins were looking and then suddenly they were asked if they wanted too. It was such a nice and fun moment. Y got shy and they had to cheer to her to take three sweets. Then they told D to take a complete handful. SHE DID!!! LOL! So I said to her that I felt my upbringing had failed completely, just for fun. And everyone around us was laughing. Such a nice moment. All those people smiling. Looked like christmas! I was happy they had some sweets, because we had to walk home from the busstop and I really needed some silence in my ears. And then the geese flew over........ such a beautiful moment! I couldn't see them, but it felt like they were all around us...... At home none had taken the effort to start cooking. I was about to start when someone was at the door. One of my best friends. He's the head editor of a monthly paper and he likes to hand it over to me. (He wants me to read and comment...) He gave me a big hugg and walked back to his car. So I felt happy he'd come over for my birthday, even while he had no time to come in. Then D called him and said something about my birthday. Turned out he'd forgotten. LOL! We all had a good laugh, and I got a couple of extra huggss. So we improvised dinner, meaning bread.... The kids had made a video interviewing each other. That was fun. After I helped D to get ready for bed. Brushing her teeth and doing everything else, I was completely drained. Fell asleep on their bed!!! Some visitors and then the day was over. Didn't even have time to go through the mail or do anything else. I wanted to put the graphic gifts on a special page, but that will be done this weekend. Thanks friends for sending them! I really appreciate it. The days are just tooooooo short. Labels: -
Music stick
Thanks Andrena for handing me the music stick..... grrrr....
I guess the first question is to mention 10 random songs:
Random 10:
1. Zing, vecht, huil bid van Ramses Shaffy
2. Stuck on you
3. Mad World
4. Train
5. Dreamer, nothing but a dreamer
6. La Bamba
7. Eltse grins foarby
8. songs from Janis Joplin
9. Beautiful People from Melanie
10.Black Bird from the Beatles
What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
3. After the last crash I stopped trying to find the songs again.
The last CD I bought.....
That's ages ago. I don't remember.
I always use the library.
What is the last song you listened to before this message?
I guess I'm suffering from some sort of amnesia.....
It was something on the buss when we went to the hospital.
Write down five songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you:
1. Somewhere over the rainbow
2. song from Don Cichote: follow that star
3. some songs from Mali
4. An Irish lullaby
5. songs from the Musical "Hair"
Who are you going to pass this on to:
Oh to 'Ria and Letti.
. . So I called Child Care at 9. The woman who took my call was very kind and she told me someone would call back. At about 10 the phone rang once. No call.... So we went to the appointment with the trustperson of school at about an hour later. When we arrived in town we saw someone had called. It was Child Care. She spoke rather bitchy. But when I was talking with her she got nicer. Explained to me it would take about a week before we would be contacted, because they first had to assign the case to someone, etc etc. Ofcourse I gave a quick explanation, but also said that I understood she couldn't take me on my word, as many others would say they didn't have done anything. She laughed and said that was right. Then I said that it was quite a disappointment that we couldn't make an appointment for this afternoon to get the matter settled, as I have my birthday tomorrow. Also asked if the procedure could be stopped by anyone. Yes. If the headmaster would call. Then I informed her we were going to see the trustperson of the school and we said goodbye. She even wished me a happy birthday! ttt.... After that I went through an almost unknown experience. We were welcomed so very nice!!! Not only by the secretary who gave us coffee and a little talk, but also by the trustperson. It was like the warm sun. He listened, took notes, asked questions and gave us the feeling he understood. We talked half of the time about the bullying at school, and also about the whole situation about the homeschooling last year. He got very interested and also distressed. When you put all those issues on the table, there's a lot wrong at the school. And he's going to bring this under the attention of people who can really change matters. He also said he would consider what he could do about the report to child care. He was very amazed we had absolutely no say in the matter, and that we weren't allow to have time to talk about it between us two and with Y. He was also amazed that the headmaster did take no interest whatsoever when I wrote him that we had interesting information about the talk with Y, and that made him too feel like the headmaster is trying to get rid of us, because I'm fighting the bullying at school. He was angry that there had been many "procedural mistakes". Especially waiting a whole month to inform either Child Care or me, and taking the risk during the christmas vacation made him angry. He also concluded that the headmaster doesn't care one bit about Y. When we went he patted Jim on the back, and held my arm for a moment to express his support. I felt relaxed when we stepped out the door into the cold. After that we visited the Fair Trade Shop. Found a nice bood with quotes for my birthday and had a talk with the owner. We both know each other for many years now. He even put on my favorite music! LOL! After that we went to the library where one of the boys was waiting. On our way through town we found a nice shop with Columbian Art. We bought a little house there. It's so beautiful. The girl who wrapped it was nice and there too we had a talk. So one in all this day wasn't too bad. But still...there's that strange tense feeling inside..... And now I'll go to bed. It's my birthday!! Labels: -
. They gave the letter in which they wrote they'd reported the matter to Child Care to Yinti to hand over to us!!!!! Those people clearly have no conscience and feeling of compassion. We live rather near to school, so it would have taken just a little effort to put it in our mailbox themselves. I'm just too naieve to have thought they would reconsider. Well, that adds to their stupidity! LOL! I was sooo glad we had an appointment with our doctor at the end of the afternoon. We told the whole story in detail and it brought what happened a couple of years ago even closer. I'm so tired, I don't want this train to stop!! Because Y said she didn't feel well, I asked for an appointment to make clear to her that staying at home and showing illness symptoms doesn have medical consequences. (He mailed later, but the time (11.30) wans't right, because we already had an appointment in town by then.) We asked his advice and he said we shouldn't wait like last time, but "go for the attack". That was my thought too. And whenever necessary we could refer people to him. Well, that's a good feeling of support there too. I was completely drained when we went home. The freezing cold just seemed a minor touch......... After dinner I brought the girls to bed. I was so tired that I lied down. Thought that wouldn't matter when they were washing themselves and brushing their teeth. Vaguely I heard them say to each other: "Mom is so tired. Let's be silent so she can sleep a bit. She looks so lovely" and then I was away....... When I woke up it was only 15 minutes later, but I felt a bit better. Called Child Care, but the regional desk was closed. It's open tomorrow morning at 9. And called the trustperson of school to have a talk. Jim did it and, boy, what is that guy clumsy with words. Well, we have an appointment for noon tomorrow, so that's great. I'm glad the oldest of 19 can step in, so he can watch the children. === My goal is ofcourse to stop that false accusation, stop the train before it's too late. I don't know if I can. But as the truth is that the accusation is false, and our girls say they are happy children, I should have faith. My other goals makes me even more determined. I want to stop the bullying at that school. Even if the head of that headmaster must roll. The bullying must stop!!!! So you see: I too have a dream!!!! Labels: -
. False accusations are difficult to deal with. It's impossible to proof nothing has happened. We dealt with a false accusation of a psychotic woman some years ago. And rather than go to her doctor to check if she was able to have some sense of reality, the police took the father of a family of 6 in solitary confinement during the time of research. They used all sorts of psychological interrogation techniques on me to make me say something that wasn't true, accused me of all sorts of evil to make me speak out about something that didn't happen, and in the end they threw my husband out of jail without a shave and clean clothes. Not even two hours before the shops closed, and they knew we had to buy presents for the twins who had their birthday the day after. Speak of trauma!!! Interesting was that the policewoman who made the most painful and wrong accusations on my address died the day after she threw them to me. No voodoo there on my part!! === And now we had to deal with false accusations again. I reacted totally different from the time before. Well, I knew what I was facing and I didn't take delight in that! But there was a difference. Last time they listened to what we had to say. This time they didn't listen one bit. And the utter helplessness I felt made me so very observant and perceptive for everything. Even the way the person who was accusing us was breathing and sitting. In a way the world was confined to that one single room, time to that single moment. But I saw the snow starting to weave its way through the lines of wind, and I felt the pain of the past pressure me into a dark future. I've learned a bit from the mistakes of the past. That time I waited for what was going to happen. This time I did the laundry, spoke with some people, wrote it all down, made the first draft of a letter of complaint after I spoke about the complaint with the chairman of the board, and I made a list of people I wanted to talk with. I even sat down and tried to find some good in the whole situation. I hope the next person we meet wants to listen and uses his brains. No way I can forecast how I will react in another interrogation. I'm tired of fighting for the truth with people who don't want to see it and just allow every pervert idea spin stories in their heads. I'm responsible for 6 children and they all say they are happy. How can others claim they're not???? Labels: -