Laane's blog
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
They gave the letter in which they wrote they'd reported the matter to Child Care to Yinti to hand over to us!!!!!
Those people clearly have no conscience and feeling of compassion.

We live rather near to school, so it would have taken just a little effort to put it in our mailbox themselves.

I'm just too naieve to have thought they would reconsider.
Well, that adds to their stupidity! LOL!

I was sooo glad we had an appointment with our doctor at the end of the afternoon.

We told the whole story in detail and it brought what happened a couple of years ago even closer.
I'm so tired, I don't want this train to stop!!

Because Y said she didn't feel well, I asked for an appointment to make clear to her that staying at home and showing illness symptoms doesn have medical consequences.
(He mailed later, but the time (11.30) wans't right, because we already had an appointment in town by then.)

We asked his advice and he said we shouldn't wait like last time, but "go for the attack".
That was my thought too.

And whenever necessary we could refer people to him.
Well, that's a good feeling of support there too.

I was completely drained when we went home. The freezing cold just seemed a minor touch.........

After dinner I brought the girls to bed.
I was so tired that I lied down. Thought that wouldn't matter when they were washing themselves and brushing their teeth.

Vaguely I heard them say to each other: "Mom is so tired. Let's be silent so she can sleep a bit. She looks so lovely" and then I was away.......

When I woke up it was only 15 minutes later, but I felt a bit better.

Called Child Care, but the regional desk was closed.
It's open tomorrow morning at 9.

And called the trustperson of school to have a talk. Jim did it and, boy, what is that guy clumsy with words. Well, we have an appointment for noon tomorrow, so that's great.
I'm glad the oldest of 19 can step in, so he can watch the children.


My goal is ofcourse to stop that false accusation, stop the train before it's too late.
I don't know if I can.
But as the truth is that the accusation is false, and our girls say they are happy children, I should have faith.

My other goals makes me even more determined.
I want to stop the bullying at that school.
Even if the head of that headmaster must roll.
The bullying must stop!!!!

So you see: I too have a dream!!!!


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