It's interesting that so many people feel the need to redefine themselves.
Like they can throw away their old self, like dirty laundry and built themselves from toe to toe, all up to the upper hairs.
I can't remember ever having redefined myself.
Not when I was confronted with cancer...
........get a braintumor and you'll think about life and what you mean in this world, I can tell you.
Not when I lost my baby...
........which made the future turn black and make me just a woman on paper.
Not when I lost another baby...
........instead of turning into a psychiatric casestudy I discovered grieving is a learning proces and a skill.
Not when that husband of mine turned out to be someone I would never have married to.....
Maybe there's no time to redefine myself.
Life goes on and I don't want to run behind it trying to catch up.
All sorts of things happened and happen in my life... kids, bad health, name it...
But nothing has touched that deep inner core I experienced when I was young: me.
No need to redefine myself.... I just have to be silent, or singing, or dancing and I nearly can hold it in my hands and see it glistening in the sun.
perhaps we don't redefine ourselves...perhaps we just fine tune.

Gel said...
Hi! Your last line is not only clear as a crystal ball, it's profound, and beautifully poetic. We share similar experiences... Your blog struck many chords within me.I love music and dancing, too although I'm a fine artist and writer by profession. My blog has a musical theme woven through it. I like to read blogs with philosophy. Heck, I like to read! I'll be back. If you want to stop by, feel free. We finally had some good news so I've let that post stay up several days!

Gel said...
Oh, I meant to state this but posted too early. I related *completely* to the vital privacy issues regarding blogging. It took me 3 months to decide to post publically. I still have not decided whether the need to express inner thoughts will supercede the possiblity that privacy may be compromised. Take care