Laane's blog
. Phoned the doc for results. The tests of one of my little ladies were ok. Mine not. Fasting glucose is too high, HBA1c is too high. Well, I knew that. Ferritine is too high. Knew that too. Cholesterol was down and at my usuals low level of 2.4. I can't believe 10 mgs of Lipitor did the trick. That's such a little bit. My kidneys are getting worse. I expected that too in the back of my head. The dull feelings, tiredness, retention of water... Had a talk with the doctors's wife. We know each other now for more than 16, maybe even 20 years. She expressed the same worries as I have. I told that I didn't think the doc is right in blindly following the specialist, and that I would put the scientific facts on the table next week. Made an appointment for wednesday to give the doc some time to look matters up. The girls had their carnaval at school. They had a fun time. They wanted to play with another girl after school. The mother and I stood in the main entrance. The headteacher had to go past me to enter the school. Well, he took a rather long walk to go to the other gate. Just to avoid me. Bringing my little lady to the friend took so much energy that I slept part of the afternoon. That's not good, and it's not really me. It was just the girls and one of the boys for dinner, so I made them something special with union, potatoes, cheese and egg. And going with it: carrots. It was meant for at least one of the others boys too, but it all disappeared in no time. So when the rest came home, more was made. The hot cheese warmed them. It's so cold outside. In the garden some new green is appearing. Oh, I long for spring. How I would love to have my own gardenhouse to sit in and hear the birds around me. I hope the accusation against Jim will be sorted out soon. It's like my life is holding it's breath. I painted part of the downstairs heating this morning, maybe as an unconscious attempt to be unable to open the door for childcare with paint on my hands. LOL! Tomorrow will be the big day for Andrena. Those who want to contribute to her action: she has something on her site where you can donate. What a pity we live so far apart. Otherwise I could help her. But she'll do fine... perfectly fine........ Tomorrow it's Nico's birthday..........
It's rare that I don't have an interest at all to be on internet.
I just feel tired and cloudy in my head.
No wonder after all that has happened and is about to happen.
This morning I escaped to a friends for coffee and to enjoy the singing of her little 2 year old. The child is so very much excisting in the here and now. Just focussed on the song and the simple movements that go with it, not a thought on the past, nor the future.
There are times I can live like that, but this last week??
Matters seem to built up.
A friend has send me a package from England. At that time I wasn't much online, but that has nothing to do to the fact that the package hasn't arrived.
It's either at customs or is lost, and that feels so bad.
Tried to find out where it is, but the mailservice told me that they couldn't trace it. So now I'm waiting for some special form.
Went to school to talk about Djenne.
Her reading is at level 2.4 and should be between 6 and 7.
The teacher asked if I'd seen some imporvement since the large summer holidays. She has had special training and we did a lot at home too.
Well, I didn't see any change at all.
Now they're finally admitting something should be done.
Tried to escape from testing her, but last year I contacted the ministery of education of our govenment and I was told that the school could use special budgets to get the children tested. It's up to school, not up to the parents.
Tomorrow I'll hear when we have a meeting with the special reading educator....
That will be interesting.
How on earth can they teach her well if they don't know what's the matter with her????
It'll be interesting to find out what's wrong. She's very intelligent, and is able to perform rather well, even though she reads like a 6 year old.
But now the tests are written and she has to read the questions she's performing far under her level of knowledge.
I catch her often memorising matters. There's nothing wrong with her memory when the material is auditive.
The afternoon was kind of typical for a family with an autistic child and one with ADHD.
Oh, I hate those afternoons!
Nyo got a good grade for a subject, but he expected higher. So he was mad all afternoon.
Untill I told him to close his mouth and shut up otheriwse he wouldn't get dinner.
Luckily he didn't ask how he was supposed to eat with his mouth shut!! LOL!
When I checked my mail, later, a friend had send a card with music, and Lars and i danced on it.
That was fun!
We'll have to take live with little sips......
Right now I'm craving for something sweet... there has been far too much bitter!!!
. So we went to see the doc. I mean, we went to see the waitingroom and saw the doc for a short while too. LOL! I was impressed by the way this little lady told him what was the matter. She barely fitted in the chair! LOL! She had a good laugh when he had to examine her belly. It tickled and we three had a very relaxed time. We can't find the cause of her paleness. Nor can we find the reason why she is so thin. She seems to be healthy, so let's keep her under observation and move on. Tomorrow she's going to school again. She wants to go, although she doesn't want to go to that teacher. Her loyalty conflict has dimished, because we've kept our mouth closed about the teacher. Let's see how it goes from there. I don't want her to go, to be honest. I feel the teacher is insincere, and although she says she's caring, she clearly doesn't. Al this time after the false accussation she's had a chance to send a postcard to Y, or inform about her, and she didn't. Well, we'll see what happens. Now it's waiting for Childcare to take action. I hope they're able to see that everything is OK here in our family. One of our politicians wrote in his blog about childabuse. I commented that bullying and allowing bullying is childabuse too. Oh, how I wish someone would help me fighting the school and stop the bullying. They still don't want to acknowledge that there is a lot of crap going on. Well, I'll fight this fight as far as it's needed. Children should be able to go to school in a safe and respectful environment. . Labels: -, school
thanks and movie
Thank you all for the nice birthdaywishes, and those who have send me a birthdaygraphic: thanks a lot too. You can find them at my seasonsite. (You know.) In times like these it's almost impossible to get rid of that underlying layer of stress. (And adding to it some disrespectful judgmental person who has pleasure in hurting others). It's the unability to change a situation, the dependence of the opinion of others, and the feeling that whatever is said can be explained either the good or the wrong way. It's the dirt in the minds of others which can destroy a family. In times like these I'd rather find myself between the trees in the woods, or walking on the beach near sea, than between the laundry and all the chores. But there is no choice. So it's letting loose what stumbles through the mind, let go of thoughts that walk in and cause a feeling of trouble, and also let go of those thought that straigthen ones back. No need to stand firm today, than to be a mom to my kids. That means that music finds a way, and the images of people of the past linger in a corner of my mind. Was it just a coincidence I sat on my bed to fold large piles of socks, or a turn of fate? I turned on the TV and a movie started: Atanarjuat, the fast runner. A canadian movie from 2001 by Zacharias Kunuk. With: Natar Ungalaaq, Sylvia Ivalu, Lucy Tulugarjuk, Madeline Ivalu, Peter-Henry Arnatsiaq e.a. It's a movie about the fight between good and evil, with true love conquering ill circumstances. In the little community of Igloolik an evil spirit of thousands of years ago disturbs the rest and causes problems in the nomadic inuit community. Tulimaq has two sons: Atanarjuat, the fast runner and Amaqjuaq, the strong one. Both sons often find themselves opposite Oki, the son of Sauri, the leader. Oki dislikes the fact that Atanarjuat and the beautiful Atuat like each other and that they are promised to each other in their childhood. His jealousy leads him to get his friends to his side and when a woman lies about her behaviour and says Atanarjuat tried to kill her (no wonder, she was his second wife and she slept with the brother), they all try and kill the rival. But Atanarjuat escapes and returns to the community, where he outwits Oki and his friends, who are send away. Beside the intriguing storie there's also the feeling to be taken into the original culture of the Inuit. The actors are Inuit from Igloolik and speak Inuktituk, the original language of the Inuit. It's one of those languages that soothe the soul and tremble in long hidden memories, like the songs. I completely forgot time and place. The story was so very catching. It showed how the wishes of the individual should fit in those of the group to allow peace and survival. Actions like lying, undermine the wellbeing of everyone. And I was caught into the daily life: cleaning the skins, living in iglos, everything. Script: Paul Apak Angilirq. Source: an old inuit-legend: Atanarjuat. The movie won in Cannes the Camera d'Or for the best debut movie. Whenever a movie from Zacharias Kunuk crosses my path'I ll want to see it. Right now the inuit song that was sung at last still trembles through my head. Labels: review