Laane's blog
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
So we went to see the doc.
I mean, we went to see the waitingroom and saw the doc for a short while too. LOL!

I was impressed by the way this little lady told him what was the matter. She barely fitted in the chair! LOL!
She had a good laugh when he had to examine her belly. It tickled and we three had a very relaxed time.

We can't find the cause of her paleness. Nor can we find the reason why she is so thin. She seems to be healthy, so let's keep her under observation and move on.

Tomorrow she's going to school again.
She wants to go, although she doesn't want to go to that teacher.
Her loyalty conflict has dimished, because we've kept our mouth closed about the teacher.
Let's see how it goes from there.

I don't want her to go, to be honest.
I feel the teacher is insincere, and although she says she's caring, she clearly doesn't.
Al this time after the false accussation she's had a chance to send a postcard to Y, or inform about her, and she didn't.

Well, we'll see what happens.

Now it's waiting for Childcare to take action.
I hope they're able to see that everything is OK here in our family.

One of our politicians wrote in his blog about childabuse.
I commented that bullying and allowing bullying is childabuse too.
Oh, how I wish someone would help me fighting the school and stop the bullying.
They still don't want to acknowledge that there is a lot of crap going on.

Well, I'll fight this fight as far as it's needed.
Children should be able to go to school in a safe and respectful environment.


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