Andrena wrote about her most embarrassing moment and asked others to write about that too.
Well... here it is:
I was about 14.
It was a time that the boysschool and girlsschool were strictly forbidden for the other gender.
The nuns stood at the door watching that we didn't take the next street, but the street right in front of the school,
and the jezuits stood in front of their gate, watching the boys take the other street.
It was also the time that people thought such segregation was unhealthy for the development of the youngster, so they decided to make one school of it.
I was one of the first two, maybe even the first girl to enter the incredible beautiful building.
The school was huge and there was plenty of space for groups that spend their time on debating, theatre, photograph, chess, music, etc.
For the first time a theatre production was made with real girls, instead of dressed up boys.
Ofcourse the most pretty girls were choosen. And among those the ones with the darkest eyes got a part to play.
I was neither pretty, nor had I the right eyes.
Grey-blue...that was out of the question!
The jezuit that produced the play was carefull not to step on my young women's soul.
So he told me that there were no parts available anymore.
I knew that he still was searching for a couple of tall, slim boys.
I was tall and verrry slim!!
So I offered to play a boy's part....
with 1200 boys in the school............. OL!!!
Andrea Knapp said...
I have far too many embarrassing stories to tell!!! I wouldn't know where to start!
Thanks for commenting on my blog/pics too!

Laurie said...
This is a really good looking site. I need to do something about mine. Thanks for stopping by! Loved your embarrassing moment. Weird how that stuff stays with us.