Laane's blog
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
False accusations are difficult to deal with.
It's impossible to proof nothing has happened.

We dealt with a false accusation of a psychotic woman some years ago.
And rather than go to her doctor to check if she was able to have some sense of reality, the police took the father of a family of 6 in solitary confinement during the time of research.
They used all sorts of psychological interrogation techniques on me to make me say something that wasn't true,
accused me of all sorts of evil to make me speak out about something that didn't happen,
and in the end they threw my husband out of jail without a shave and clean clothes. Not even two hours before the shops closed, and they knew we had to buy presents for the twins who had their birthday the day after.

Speak of trauma!!!

Interesting was that the policewoman who made the most painful and wrong accusations on my address died the day after she threw them to me.
No voodoo there on my part!!


And now we had to deal with false accusations again.
I reacted totally different from the time before.
Well, I knew what I was facing and I didn't take delight in that!

But there was a difference.
Last time they listened to what we had to say. This time they didn't listen one bit. And the utter helplessness I felt made me so very observant and perceptive for everything. Even the way the person who was accusing us was breathing and sitting.

In a way the world was confined to that one single room, time to that single moment.
But I saw the snow starting to weave its way through the lines of wind, and I felt the pain of the past pressure me into a dark future.

I've learned a bit from the mistakes of the past. That time I waited for what was going to happen.
This time I did the laundry, spoke with some people, wrote it all down, made the first draft of a letter of complaint after I spoke about the complaint with the chairman of the board, and I made a list of people I wanted to talk with.

I even sat down and tried to find some good in the whole situation.

I hope the next person we meet wants to listen and uses his brains.

No way I can forecast how I will react in another interrogation.
I'm tired of fighting for the truth with people who don't want to see it and just allow every pervert idea spin stories in their heads.

I'm responsible for 6 children and they all say they are happy.
How can others claim they're not????


Blogger Ria - tHe I oF rIa said...
I am relly sorry for what you are going through- dealing with this accusation is horrible (I cannot believe that someone would accuse anyone of such an ugly thing- if it where not true!) That is being real evil! I have been taught to always weigh the possibilities- investigate- and seek Concrete proof before accusing anyone of anything- But then some people are just so "ignorant" and say things that cause great havoc! I wish I could "wave a wand" for you to make it dissapear! :( I am sorry- and I am thinking of you- wishing that all turns out OK. I am here if you need to talk- LUV YA-- take care of yourself and those precious children- have to run- and make breakfast- my son starts his State Exams (school) today- 4 days! Please keep him in prayers to do well- it is his future!
Sending a Big Hug!....'Ria  

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    6 children
    one with autism
    another one with ADHD and dyslexia
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