This day lasts too long and the other one starts too early.
I can't sleep and the night is a brick wall around me.
Two of my friends are struggling with their health in such a way that I can almost feel them near me.
They live at the other side of the world. Out of reach of a good talk, a hugg and a smile.
And more of the same.
Pieces of conversation go through my mind.
I should stop trying to change the world into a better place, trying to wake up those who seem to sleep and don't care anymore.
But something inside me stands up each day and makes me fight the system of long waiting lists for children in need.
My auti is at home. He couldn't cope with school anymore.
Had two talks with the new psychologist. A nice young girl, wanting far too much.
Making the most stupid remark one can make before starting therapy: "These children almost never can change."
I didn't even react when the remark was glued inside my brain.
He needs medication.
So I tried to get him take the appointment of my ADHD-son with the psychiatrist.
They didn't accept that.
We should visit his case manager first. She will be back in a fortnight after the autumn holiday.
So I wrote in a mail that he would stay at home untill medication is started.
Got a mail back today. His case manager wasn't available untill december, and he now can visit another doc at november 4th.
I can't believe our society treats children that way.
I'm just too tired to tell about the oldest and about my dyslectic girl.
Got an invite for the flueshot wednesday 26th.
Part of the amazone area is desert now.