Laane's blog
Sunday, August 21, 2005

summervacation 2005

So the summervacation has come to an end.

The children had a good time. So that's OK.

Especially the girls enjoyed almost every minute of every day.
They can't be bored.
Even on the most terrible day they made themselves comfortable on their far too little room, and strated doing something... playing with the barbies (fakes ones mainly), making artworks from coloured paper, fitting clothes (leaving me with all the piles, but who minds after seeing their faces), and lots more.

I'm sure 2 of the boys will suffer from computer withdrawal sympthoms when going to school. I'm not happy with all that computertime, but one is autistic and the other has quite some autistic characteristics too, so are not able to find things to do as well as others.

To me this vacation has been the worst ever.
They started renovating the house beside us and as the walls are pure concrete, it took them ages to do the things they had to do: a complete vacation...
Never a silent moment during the day than some threathening half hours at lunch time.

Last friday they were almost done. So all I expecting were falling hammers on the bare floor.
Instead I woke up when already sitting straight up in bed.
A nut was trying to mow the lawn of 6 square meters with a large electric mower.
Even worse... it was not adjusted well, so it was biting in the hard sand, smashing little stones all over the place.
He was lucky not to have hit a window, although that have might broken the stress I was experiencing.....

I jumped out of bed, got my hair washed and went outside.
The stinking fumes of the machine were hanging as a grey cloud in the garden.

The day before they had cut of the large trees that were in the front garden of the neighbouring house.
Beautiful full grown trees, forming the most beautiful entrance...
I would have swapt houses just like that wasn't it that we would have to pay far too much after that renovation. And to be honest... I've found out I'm to fixated to my garden. To the old willow, to be honest.
I'm sure they would cut it rightaway when we move. Can't let that be done to a very old tree, that clings to live. I'm certain it has been a holy tree in the old days......
Guess I'm treating it that way....

So with all the noise and stench around me, everyting trembling inside me, I went to that man.
He told me they would cut the trees in the back garden too.
It felt like a lash on my face.
So I asked him politely to go to the owner of the house and come to another decision. Those trees keep the worse winds from our garden, and they give the shade we need. They were planted there in full agreement between neighbours (white lie...I hated the wooden wall they had put there and was glad some green found it's way between the wood and over the wall.
The man told me that plan was plan.

Ohh.... I felt the trembling inside and worse...the tears of tiredness and all vacation stress finding their way up.....
So I was kind of bitchy when I told him that plans can be changes and I have as much right to have my request considered as everyone else.

"Those trees are standing in the wrong soil."
"Who are you to say so?"
"A gardener."
"Yea... one who follows orders just like that."
Haha.. in the wrong soil!! Those trees were beautiful and as high as the three story house. So they would have reached straight into heaven when they would have been in the right soil. LOL!

"A real gardener doesn't bite the stoney soil that way... pointing to the electric mower... and sure doesn't use an electric one on 6 square meters of 3 cm grass!!!
You're just someone paid to follow orders, and i just tell you to get in contact with the owner of the house and tell him he'd either decide to leave those trees as they are or get in contact with me.
And he won't like it because I've been all vacation long in that hell of a noise, I'm completely stressed out and tired to the bones. And that doesn't make me a good partner on conversation. I know what I want and that sure isn't killing of trees by chopping them off unprofessionally. I'm ready to sue him and I have a point, as some of the trees are standing on my grounds (not!!!) and you can't just cut some and leave others. The new tennants won't like that at all!!!!

"I'm not going..."

"Oh yes you are"....... I started to get very angry because i couldn't surpress my tears anymore... "You are going to phone that guy, or else I will.. and that'll cost you your job.... as sure as you can see my tears, you will see what happens..."

Probably nothing, I thought on my way home, bursting in tears and crying the hell out of me. Was this supposed a vacation????

About 15 minutes later it was silent for ten minutes, an hour later I heard the owner in the garden.
Still they started chopping the trees off, but about 20 cm above the wooden wall and not at a meter high, so the trees will die for sure.
I got my camera.... had only two photos left... cchhhh...

When they'd left we had a look.
They'd killed the low plants, got rid of the beautiful passion fruit. and chopped the trees in a straight line...... I doubt if they'll survive.

I felt sooooo sad.........

The birds couldn't find their places to land, and called me in the garden like I could bring back the trees. I felt so sorry for them.

On top of it all a piece broke off one of my already broken molars.
I'm not sure if that's a coincidence or the cause of the pain I had last night.
Didn't sleep at all till 7 this morning.
Woke after an hour with a very soar throat.
The molar gave no pain when putting lots of cold water on it, so I doubt if the pain is coming from the molar.
It's a real problem to get in touch with a dentist in the weekend, so i'll try and postpone it to tomorrow. If a referral to the hospital needs to be made it can result in a same day treatment when I'm lucky. And if a referaal to a normal doc needs to be made it's called urgent and they will fit me in the same day, instead of making an appointment somewhere at the end of the week.
I guess I have no other choice that getting the two crowns... That way we'll never get a new floor here.

As I also can hardly walk because I misstepped a couple of weeks ago in a real bad way, I can say I've had the worst vacation ever.

Well, I'm still the same me, in a way... still can enjoy my garden... so in a way I'm OK.
In pain, tired to the bones... but OK...

Maybe I'm lucky there's none to put an arm around me, so crashing only adds to the problem. LOL!

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    The Netherlands
    6 children
    one with autism
    another one with ADHD and dyslexia
    political criticist
    and I can sing for you too.

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    when you can't write my Dutch.

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