Laane's blog
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

no need to review my blog

I don't know who was as bored that he needed to start putting other people's blogs down.
It surely says something about that person, nothing about the blog or the blogwriter.

If and when reviewing is needed it should be done by proper standards and these need to include contact with the writer.

Even though I'm OK with people visiting my blog, I don't write for the anonimous crowd that's not able to make their life interesting. Not do I write for the clicker who doesn't care one bit what is written or even if there's something written, as long as the 20 or 30 seconds pass and one more credit is earned.

I write for my friends who live abroad and want to know how things are going here. They just want the day to day kind-of-telephone-talk, and that's what they'll get.
No need for pseudo intellectual to-do or world changing ideas. (In case they need that, they know where to find me.)
They're not out to feel better because they feel able to judge someone, but they are interested in reading between the lines.

So when I have a nice layout, it says something how I feel, and when my layout is completely crap, I either feel rotten too, or I was bussy and was needed somewhere else.

Being a mother of 6, (one of them autistic and needing almost 100% of the time supervision), I have something else in my life than to live up to (unwritten) expectations of a blog-reviewer.

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    The Netherlands
    6 children
    one with autism
    another one with ADHD and dyslexia
    political criticist
    and I can sing for you too.

    Don't comment on my english
    when you can't write my Dutch.

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