We still haven't heard from some people who live or who were in the disaster areas.
To work more efficient to find friends and family members of friends, we have organised our
3 of us coordinate, so there's at least 1 person available every hour of the day.
And we've split up the work.
I went through long lists of names...... not all lists are on internet yet, so there's always some hope.
But after so many days one expects that people would have contacted one of us.......
It's so sad.....
And the earth still hasn't come to rest. Each day there are earthquakes in the same sea-areas, at the same depths.
They're up to 5.8 on the scale of Richter, so that's not nothing.
One can only hope and pray that no more heavy quakes follow.
We sat in the room having a cup of coffee when another very large spider .....arghhhhhh!!!!!
It cracked when Jim hit him!!! ....wwwhhhaaabbbbbaaaaa!!!
They are sooo large...where do they come from???