Laane's blog
Friday, December 31, 2004
It's the last day of this year.
What a year!!
Beslan, and the ongoing disaster in Asia...
Closer to home: a friend with cancer, and many more friends who have to deal with disease or the loss of their loved ones.
Not even mentioning what happened in my own life.....
It's almost too much to take in.

I wanted to do so much, but I wanted to do too much.
At times I fell completely silent, feeling guilty that I wasn't in contact with my friends.
But there are no more hours in a day.

I'm not promising things for next year.
I have to find a better way to deal with depressive thoughts. get myself out of the picture of "me" when things don't work out in my life.
It's been difficult living a life to care without someone apart from the kids and my friends, caring for me.
I feel a part of my life is fading away, and I have to shed that feeling off and go on.
Difficult that the person who caused so much pain and trouble still lives in this house.

I hope next year will be better for all of us.
Right now on TV the traditional old years' cabaret is on.
Making fun of what happened last year. It helps to take a distance.

Well... let's start the new year.
Not even an hour away from it now...

For many people it will be an important year.
As a matter of fact, all years are.
All days are.
It's easy to be changed if one wants to.
We just have to be carefull that we are surrounded by peope who bring about positive change, and more important: we have to perceive matters in sich a way that we allow ourselves to change for the better.

Each time it comes down to that: not to let others down and not to let ourselves down.
So that means: respect.

That's what I wish you all:
respect for others, respect
for nature and respect for yourselves,
and the ability to
Thank you all for being my friend. I've had such heartwarming
experiences this year, that I feel I fall short in returning.

I'm off to wake the girls. They fell asleep.

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!


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