Laane's blog
Monday, December 27, 2004


Jim went to work and took Nyo with him.
So we expected a quiet day.
Instead of it:

I went downstairs and when I was near the backwindow I felt something...and there it was:
A Huuuge spider!!
First I thought is was a plastic one, so I looked at the things that we undersneath it to see what they had moved to get there.
But nothing had changed at all, so it must be a real one!!

Only one time before I've seen such a large
one...ages ago!! And it wasn't as large.....

So I warned Stef he should help me.
He had to swallow too....

I took a big wooden rod, and put the washing up bowl under it.
But I was too short to reach it.
So Stef tried to hit him with one try. We expected the thing to drop down, but it crawled higher....
I couldn't see it from outside anymore.
Then it crawled even higher, so we could remove the curtains.

With one blow, he was hit.
And then I sprayed it with hairspray!

Well. let's say he didn't move anymore, and the wall can't be painted anymore, because
there's so much hairspray on it.

Later we thought we'd better kept the animal in a can or something, because it might have been escaped from a herbarium or something.
It had jucky thick legs and was so very large.

Right now I'm itching all over, and looking around me...............

The rest of the day we spend cleaning and tidying, and ofcourse watching TV-news about the tsunami, and a lot more.

I feel very touched by how many people have died and how many people are traumatised.
With friends we're waiting untill the phones are working again and they'll be able to check family and friends.
This wasn't the second christmasday we expected.....

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