Laane's blog
Sunday, December 05, 2004

saturday dec 5

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while.
I broke a bone in my wrist. Ofcourse the one I need most.
And there have been a lot of matters to take care of.
My friend with cancer. He's doing a bit better emotionally. Right now the cancer has shrunk and has mainly disappeared, but there's still one place and it needs radiation now.
The father of a friend died, and the mother of another friend.
And on top of that our Prince Bernard died last week. (But I'm not involved in that other than that it touched me deeply.)

Right now I'm battling a nasty bronchitis; am coughing all day. And that also means the diabetes is crap.

We've had a parents evening about Nyo.
He's doing well at school, very well. So that's nice. Because at home he's a real problem.
When he's alone everything is OK, but his autism comes into vision when others are there.
Especially when Thami or Lars is at home.

Today we're preparing for Sinterklaas. It resembles the presents at christmas in other countries.
It won't be the large event as it was other years, because we don't have much to spend.
But nevertheless the kids are lloking forward to it.
As the girls "don't believe" anymore, there was a choice how to celebrate.
We thought they wanted an evening with gifts, but they wanted the old fashioned way.
So Sinterklaas comes here at night and leaves the parcels on the table.

The weather is really Sinterklaas-ish: dark, misty and at times a very bright yellow moon casting sharp shadows.

I'm working on the wintersite. It goes slow, because of my hand.

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    The Netherlands
    6 children
    one with autism
    another one with ADHD and dyslexia
    political criticist
    and I can sing for you too.

    Don't comment on my english
    when you can't write my Dutch.

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